UN chief says lack of funds for security mission ‘unacceptable’

UN chief says lack of funds for security mission unacceptable

Antonio Guterres is frustrated by the slow response of the international community to the crisis in Haiti, and even more so by its stinginess. He denounces the lack of contributions to finance the multinational mission led by Kenya to help the Haitian police overwhelmed by gang violence. Only six countries have contributed financially while appeals for donations were launched a year ago among the 193 member countries.

2 min

With our correspondent in New York, Carrie Nooten

Canada’s contribution amounts to $45 million in cash for the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMAS) in HaitiThe United States contributed $15 million, France or Spain $3 million, Italy $360,000 and Turkey $50,000.

Totally unacceptable »

Other aid in equipment and training has also been provided, but with only $68 million, it will be impossible to finance the force properly. In an exclusive interview with Agence France Presse, the UN chief strongly criticized this amount and the slowness of the international community.

When there is a war, money is always found. When there is a financial crisis and banks need to be saved, money is always found. When a people are suffering in such desperate circumstances, and a relatively small amount of money is needed to put a small force in Haiti, it is totally unacceptable that that money is not available. “, denounces Antonio Guterres.

The MMAS mandate must be renewed for a year before the end of the month and the United States believes that under these conditions, only funding within the UN framework would be sustainable. This is one of the reasons that pushes them to ask the Security Council to consider transforming MMAS into a peace operation under the aegis of the UN.

Also readHaiti: Keys to Understanding the Security Chaos
