UN adopts resolution demanding end to Israel’s ‘illicit presence’ in Palestinian territories

UN adopts resolution demanding end to Israels illicit presence in

The UN General Assembly called an hour ago for an end to the Israeli occupation of all Palestinian territories within the ” 12 months “Member countries are taking a stand, following the opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Israeli occupation, which was issued in July. This request from the Assembly was adopted by 124 votes in favour, 14 against, and 43 abstentions. It remains non-binding, but with just days to go before the start of the General Assembly’s high-level week, the support for the Palestinians is very clear.

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With 124 votes in favour of ending the Israeli occupation, the adoption of this resolution recalls the votes in massive support for Ukraine, after the beginning of the Russian invasionThe resolution adopted on Wednesday is, however, non-binding, reports our correspondent in New York, Carrie Nooten.

The resolution, which has been debated since Tuesday by the 193 member states of the UN, follows the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). In July, the latter examined the Israeli occupation since 1967 at the request of the General Assembly. The court then considered that ” Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful ” and that Israel is ” in obligation (of there) to end (…) as soon as possible “.

The text adopted on Wednesday ” required “that Israel” immediately terminate its illicit presence “in the Palestinian territories and that it be done” no later than 12 months after the adoption of this resolution “The first draft text gave only six months. The new text was adopted by 124 votes in favor, 14 against – including Israel, the United States, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Argentina – and 43 abstentions.

In the same way that the Russia did not happen withdrawn from the territories it had invaded after the UN resolutionwe should not expect Israel to leave the Palestinian territories within 12 months, stop new settlements, return seized land and property, or consider the return of displaced Palestinians. Because all of this is called for in this resolution.

Increasing pressure

But in the short term, it puts pressure on New York, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected next week. He had to expect a cold reception, but he clearly knows the positions of each side, his allies and others. And in the medium term, this vote shows that the Palestinians insist on the application of international law, that they will lobby very actively in the coming months.

The Assembly also calls on the Swiss to organize a Conference on Civilians in Conflicts by March 18, 2025, to think concretely about how to apply the Geneva Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories. We feel that the Arab world wants to tackle the situation head-on, and no longer be satisfied with this status quo which has been established over the last 20 years.

The resolution ” required ” also the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Palestinian territories, the cessation of new colonies, the restitution of seized lands and properties, or even the possibility of the return of displaced Palestinians.

It also calls on member states to take steps to end imports from settlements. It also calls on them to end the supply of arms to Israel if there are grounds for ” reasonable “to think that they could be used in the Palestinian territories. And also to take sanctions against people participating” to the maintenance of Israel’s illicit presence ” in the occupied territories.

Israel must immediately heed the demand of the overwhelming majority of UN member states to respect the historic decision ” of the ICJ, reacted Louis Charbonneau, of Human Rights Watch, supporting an arms embargo on Israel.

An adoption ” historical “For the Palestinians, a decision” biased » for Israel

An adoption ” historical “, the Palestinian mission to the UN said on X.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry immediately denounced the adopted resolution as “biased» and full of «cynicism“. “The political theater that goes by the name of the General Assembly today adopted a biased decision that is disconnected from reality, encourages terrorism and harms the chances of peace. […]this is what cynicism looks like in international politics” wrote ministry spokesman Oren Marmorstein in a message on the social network X, regarding this non-binding resolution.
