Ultrasound treatment for tremors – then it comes to Sweden

Hand tremors, so-called tremors, affect one in twenty over 65. Previously, there was no permanent cure that was available to everyone in Sweden, but now, after the summer, Norrland University Hospital will start a treatment with ultrasound, which involves destroying a tiny piece of brain.

– This area of ​​the brain gives rise to tremors in the patients. And if you have such symptoms, it is often better not to have that area. The small piece of the brain that disappears is only a few millimeters in diameter, it is probably nothing that the patients miss, says Patric Blomstedt, professor of neurosurgery at Norrland University Hospital.

“People thought I was drunk”

Twenty years ago, Micael Adler’s hands began to tremble. And over time it only got worse.

– It was terribly horrible. You can’t eat breakfast or anything. People look at you and think you’re drunk.

After a while, Micael was told that a focused ultrasound treatment can be done in Turku, Finland, and finally he managed to arrange for him to go there.

– This is a miracle. Now the hand is completely still, he says some time after the operation.

Got a little wobbly

Immediately after treatment, Micael became a little wobbly and this is because the parts of the brain around the ultrasound procedure itself often become a little swollen.

– Many people notice that walking and balance are affected. Tingling, numbness and the like can also be felt. But the side effects are minor and usually go away within days, weeks or months, says Patric Blomstedt.

The method can also be used for other diseases, for example Parkinson’s, and after the summer it will therefore also be available in Sweden at Umeå University Hospital.

– This machine should actually have been here a long time ago. There are tons of people who have this problem. I hope more people get help, says Micael Adler.
