ultimate spades… News and results of the polls

ultimate spades News and results of the polls

MACRON. This Friday, April 22, is the last day of the campaign. Emmanuel Macron defends his program and his position against the far right. For her part, Marine Le Pen tackles Macron the “liar”.

17:01 – Emmanuel Macron promises a “new method on old age”

Emmanuel Macron also addressed the issue of old age and promises a “new method”. To do this, the Head of State wants to rely on “a large public service of autonomy”. The goal ? That the State can support “the oldest who want to age in their own place”: “Support them to help renovate their housing, to be able to stay even when they lose a little mobility, when moving around is more difficult. It reinvests to allow to have more hours of auxiliaries and home help to help them.” Emmanuel Macron affirmed that this ambition would require investments: “We are going to reinvest in nursing homes, create positions for nurses, nursing assistants and strengthen the national control policy to eradicate abuse and fight against this that we all together experienced, against this indignation that we all experienced.

16:46 – Emmanuel Macron wants to strengthen security in rural areas

During his meeting, Emmanuel Macron highlighted the importance, in his view, of strengthening security in rural areas. To do this, he promises to create “in the next five years, two hundred gendarmerie posts in our countryside”. In addition, the outgoing president wants to create several thousand positions: “To fight against daily insecurity, we have given ourselves the means and we will create positions for magistrates, justice personnel up to 8,500 positions to deploy and accelerate this local justice essential for security everywhere on the territory.”

16:31 – According to Emmanuel Macron, “digital must be an opportunity”

Emmanuel Macron also has the digital commitment of his program: “We will go to the end of the commitments for 2024 in terms of Internet and fiber deployment.” And to insist: “In accordance with what I said, we have created more than 2,000 France services houses and we are going further by providing state services in medium-sized towns, in small towns, because the digital must be an opportunity.”

16:16 – Emmanuel Macron refuses to choose between rural France and neighborhood France

During his meeting, Emmanuel Macron developed the idea that France would be a “bloc”: “I will tell you with great conviction, on this last day of the campaign: France is a bloc and it is made up of all this! France is a block in its history, and it begins for millennia, it goes through the revolution and the rise of a secular and respectful Republic. France is a block, which carries all its territories and who must know how to produce, advance this ambition and redistribute, rebuild the balance as we have been able to do and we must do it even better.” And the outgoing president concludes: “And I refuse these choices where it would be necessary to decide to love between the popular districts and rural France, to decide to choose between the metropolis and the countryside, it is false!”

4:02 p.m. – Addressed by a banner, Emmanuel Macron welcomes the fact that we are in a democracy

Emmanuel started his last campaign meeting in Figeac, in the Lot. The outgoing president was arrested by a banner, as reported by BFM TV journalist Marie Gentric. Above, we can read “when everything is private we will be deprived of everything”. Protesters demand the release of Julian Assange. Emmanuel Macron seemed to respond to them by launching: “Congratulate yourself on being in a democracy where you can challenge a president like that, and I hope that will continue.” And to respond to the message of their banner: “I am proud to be President of a Republic, where during the Covid crisis, because there were public services, because there was something it costs, it’s the reverse of what you wrote.”

3:20 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron is a “liar” according to Marine Le Pen

Traveling to Berck in the Pas-de-Calais, Marine Le Pen said, about Emmanuel Macron, that “people know who he is, what is important is to know what I want to offer. , take advantage that there are 15 million viewers, so that people know what my project is”. And the president of the national rally added: “If it’s to tell him, you’re a liar, everyone knows it, everyone knows it and has had time to make up his mind for 5 years.”

2:40 p.m. – Marine Le Pen believes that Emmanuel Macron made fun of the French during the debate between the two rounds

During a stroll in Berck, Marine Le Pen returned to Emmanuel Macron’s attitude during the debate between the two rounds: “Let him make fun of me, ultimately it’s not not very serious. But that he makes fun of the French, it’s much more serious. That he despises me, I don’t care. But that he despises the French, that he brutalizes them, that he treats as he treated them, with disdain, arrogance, it is inadmissible.”

13:50 – On France Inter, Emmanuel Macron defended his record

Invited on France Inter to take stock of his five-year term, the president-candidate for the election defends himself on several points. On teachers’ salaries, first, “we have started an increase and I will go to the end of it, and it is not conditional on anything”, he says, promising to carry starting salaries above €2,000. On security, he says he has kept his “commitments in terms of resources for the police and the gendarmerie: We have real results on terrorism, on burglaries, they are not good enough on violence against people”. Recalling that among this last type of violence, 80% is intra-family violence, he promises to make it “a priority over the next few years”, in particular feminicides. On the ISF, finally, they claim to have done what they had “committed to doing”, removing it for “those who get rich and who reinvest”, while maintaining “a tax on real estate wealth “.

13:20 – Towards cohabitation for five years?

The latest BVA survey published this Friday, April 22 is puzzling. According to the survey carried out by the polling institute, Sir Emmanuel Macron is re-elected, 66% of those polled want the newly re-elected president not to obtain a majority in the National Assembly in June. Similarly, if Marine Le Pen wins, 69% of respondents do not want her to win the majority. As for Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters in the first round, 84% of them want cohabitation for five years.

12:50 – Emmanuel Macron may not have recourse to a referendum for pension reform

Asked about France Inter about a potential referendum to pass the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron was cautious: “I will not make any commitment here. Referendum is a commitment in the hands of the President of the Republic who seems important to me. I think that on a subject like that, it is above all the consultation, the discussion and the respect of all the stakeholders.

12:20 – Republicans furious at their treasurer’s call for Macron’s vote

At Les Républicains, the call to vote Emmanuel Macron by their treasurer, Damien Fasquelle, goes badly. Secretary General Aurélien Pradié made it known on Twitter: “If Daniel Fasquelle has a little energy left, he can become treasurer of the committee to suck up to Emmanuel Macron.” For his part, Julien Aubert, LR deputy for Vauvluse, also wrote on Twitter: “Les Républicains candidates for the legislative elections who engage in a coalition of support for Emmanuel Macron must be landed immediately and LR candidates invested against them. Stop this hypocritical ambivalence, which takes our voters for fools.”

11:50 am – According to Marine Le Pen, Sunday “it’s Macron or France”

Traveling to Étaples, in Pas-de-Calais, Marine Le Pen strongly criticized Emmanuel Macron in the home stretch of the campaign and assured that “Sunday there is a fundamental choice. It is in the hands of the French” . According to the candidate of the National Rally for the presidential election, this choice “is simple, it’s Macron or France”.

11:20 – The treasurer of LR calls to vote for Emmanuel Macron

The treasurer of the Republicans and mayor LR of Le Touquet, Daniel Fasquelle, called to vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election. On his Twitter account, he felt that “the future of our country is at stake”.

10:20 – Emmanuel Macron acknowledges that he has not “revolutionized the exercise of presidential power”

Guest of the morning of France Inter, Emmanuel Macron admitted that he had not “revolutionized the exercise of presidential power”. The outgoing president felt that there is “a gap between the political renewal that I embodied and the classicism of the exercise of the function”. The Head of State assured that he was going to “renovate more in depth” this exercise if he was re-elected this Sunday.< April 24

10:13 – Additional paid missions for teachers

If the revaluation will be put in place for all teachers, those who agree to fulfill additional missions will see their salary increase. “I will say it in a more positive way. We will also recognize missions which, today, are carried out by many of our teachers but which do not lead to anything. (…) When we talk about teachers, there is no it’s not just the hours in front of the students. Many take care of the students outside of school time, organize a lot of things with the extracurricular. The system recognizes very little of these tasks, “he explains as an example. And to add: “I think it’s much fairer to consider that when you have an educational community, you have to recognize much better those who are most committed and who agree to do so for a while.”


Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen officially qualified for the second round of the presidential election on Sunday April 10. The outgoing president came out on top in the first round with 27.85% of the vote, ahead of the RN candidate with 23.15%. Emmanuel Macron has thus improved his 2017 score (24.01%), even if abstention reduces this progress. He still won more than a million additional votes (9.7 million against 8.6 million 5 years ago).

Emmanuel Macron, in this campaign between the two rounds, indicated that he wanted to “complete” and “enrich” his program, in particular on ecology. He said he was ready not to push back the retirement age to 65. The Head of State also indicated that he was “not opposed” to the establishment of a “full” proportional system for the legislative elections.
