Ukrainian refugees say no to the Russian ambassador

Ukrainian refugees say no to the Russian ambassador

Three Ukrainian refugees in Sweden agree.

Don’t let the Russian ambassador into the Nobel party.

– It is not right, he represents a terrorist country, says Nataliia.

Nataliia Pichakhchi’s son Nichola took part in the defense of Ukrainian Mariupol last year, and has been missing in the fighting with the Russians since April 2022.

– Officially, the Ukrainian authorities say that he is dead. But he has received a medal of the third degree, says Nataliia, who now lives in Bromma as a refugee.

When Aftonbladet spoke to her last year, she hoped that Putin would burn in an eternal fire. Now, when the Russian ambassador will be allowed to attend the Nobel ceremony, she says:

– It is not right, Russia is a terrorist country. He has no right to be at such a peaceful event after everything they have done and are doing to our country. They keep bombing our cities, how can you deal with such people? she says and adds:

– They must be isolated. Put all the Russians in jail.

full screen Natalia Pichakhchi says no to the Russian ambassador at the Nobel party Photo: Privat

“Represents an aggressor country”

Anna Mazur, who is a Ukrainian refugee in Norrköping and whose husband Volodymyr is fighting against the Russians in Ukraine, says:

– I am against the Russian ambassador being allowed to participate. He represents an aggressor country. The Russians have shown the whole world that they do not respect human rights. They must be isolated, both from sports competitions and cultural events. It is unacceptable that representatives of that country participate in the Nobel party, says Anna Manzur.

Even Olena from Mariupol, who now lives with her ten-year-old son in Stockholm, is strongly against the Russian ambassador being allowed to participate in the Nobel celebration:

– The whole world must close their territory, so that they cannot visit such festivities or sports competitions. Then they might understand that the world is against the war, that such things should not occur in a normal world. Then they might start to think and understand what they are doing.

Olena does not want her last name printed, because her husband is a prisoner of war with the Russians and she does not know where he is.

full screen Even Anna Mazur says no. Here she is holding a flag with a picture of her husband Volodymyr at the celebration of Ukraine’s National Day in Linköping. Photo: Prviat
