Ukrainian refugees do not receive an increase in their daily allowance

SEK 71 a day.
It should be enough for food, healthcare, medicine, dental care, hygiene items, clothes, shoes and leisure activities for Ukrainian refugees.
Now Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) confirms for Ekot that the government is closing the door to an increase.

The decision has been taken by the government.

– Some have requested an increase in the daily allowance, but we believe that it does not meet the needs that the Ukrainians themselves have highlighted, Malmer Stenergard tells Echo.

Last increase: 30 years ago

The daily compensation will therefore remain at SEK 71. The same level as in the last 30 years. And when the prices have skyrocketed, a discussion has gained momentum – where several believe that Ukrainian refugees end up in an economically vulnerable situation.

According to the government, however, there are other, more accurate measures, such as, for example, a change in the population register.

The goal there is for refugees to be registered earlier than they are today.

“Comprehensive legislative work”

– This means that they get completely different opportunities for healthcare and interventions from the Employment Agency. But also the possibility of higher remuneration before they come to work.

However, it is unclear how and when the population registration will take place.

– It is quite extensive legislative work and that is why it also takes time, she tells the radio.
