Ukrainian parliament dismisses human rights commissioner for rapes – comments on EPN’s interview

Ukrainian parliament dismisses human rights commissioner for rapes comments

One of the reasons for the dismissal was that Lyudmila Denisova is said to have reported sexual violence recklessly and without clear evidence. has also quoted his statements in connection with the rape news.

Ukraine Parliament has dismissed the High Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisovanwhich has reported to the public during the war about alleged sexual violence by Russian forces.

Parliament voted no confidence in Denisova this Tuesday.

The reason given for the dismissal was that Denisova had not fulfilled her obligations regarding humanitarian corridors and the forced relocation of Ukrainians from the occupied territories.

In addition, Denisova is accused of making careless statements without clear evidence of sexual violence in the war in Ukraine. According to an open letter signed by dozens of Ukrainian journalists and experts, Denisova’s way of talking about sexual violence in public has been scandalous and reckless.

In small communities in particular, careless reporting can letter (go to another service) according to the signatories, reveal the identities of the victims and endanger them. Denisova has also spoken in detail in public – often on social media – about the rape of minors, which has been widely reported in the international media.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova told the Ukrainian For Babel online media (switch to another service)that Denisova has not provided them with material on sexual violence, only requests to investigate rape.

Denisova said on her Telegram after the dismissal that she plans to appeal her dismissal. He considers it illegal.

There is Denisova quoted extensively in the international media, including news. On May 4, published an extensive case on rapes in the Ukrainian war. In addition to local residents and other experts, Denisova’s public statements were quoted in the story.

Denisova commented on her dismissal to over the phone on Thursday night.

Denisova defends her actions and says gathering evidence is not the job of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. He tells that he passed the information he received to the authorities investigating the crimes.

Denisova says she has received information about rape calls from emergency helplines and psychologists helping victims. He says he reported child rape only in cases where parents had given permission for the publication.

– Even without names and sometimes without places, Denisova tells .

According to Denisova, it is clear that Russia is using sexual violence as a weapon of war. He therefore considered it important to report the cases to the international public immediately.

– I wanted foreign governments and parliaments to have information about cases when they decide on arms deliveries to Ukraine or put pressure on sanctions against Russia, Denisova says.

Denisova says relatives of the victims hoped the crimes would be reported to the public.

interviewed to a large-scale rape case published in May by a psychologist Oleksandra Kvitkoaone of the volunteer helpers on the war helpline.

Kvitko is the daughter of Denisova. was unaware of the relationship during the interview with the psychologist.

asked Denisova if it was ethically correct to use her own daughter as a source of information, even if she was a professional psychologist.

Denisova says that Kvitko works on the emergency helpline, which operates under the auspices of the UN organization Unicef, and not directly under him under the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. However, Unicef ​​has had joint projects with the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
