Ukrainian Olena feeds hundreds of abandoned dogs per day

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– During the shelling, I fed 153 dogs, says Olena Bubenko, who lives in Ruski Tishki in Ukraine, to EBU.

Until mid-May, this village was occupied by Russian soldiers. For months afterwards it was subjected to shelling. Like many other elderly people, Olena Bubenko chose to stay. And hundreds of pets also remained in the village.

Aid organizations come to visit from time to time with food for the animals – but when it runs out, porridge has to do. One day one of the houses here was hit by a missile. 11 of Olena’s dogs died in the resulting fire.

– Before I go to bed, I say their names. I will never forget them, says Olena Bubenko.

The hope is that the dogs will one day be able to be reunited with their owners.

See more in the clip.
