Ukrainian animals need new homes

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In war-torn Ukraine, many are forced to abandon their pets. At the “Domvika Vryatovanykh Tvaryn” animal shelter in Lviv, volunteers take care of the stressed animals and try to help them find new homes. The animals are afraid of the flight alarms, and several thousand have already been moved to new families in other countries.

– The animals should be in loving homes, they should not be here, says Viktoria Stasiv, who works at the animal shelter.

See the full feature.

Rescued during air raid

The staff at the animal shelter have also traveled to the front to take care of abandoned dogs. One of the dogs that was rescued in the middle of an air raid has now been taken into the care of a family in Germany.

See Jenny Strömstedt’s report from the animal shelter in Lviv, in the player above.

Important information about dogs and cats from Ukraine

The animal must be kept away from other animals and people until it has been examined by a veterinarian.

Contact a veterinarian immediately if an animal shows symptoms of rabies, such as altered behavior, paralysis or movement disorders.

If you are bitten by an animal from Ukraine, wash the wound thoroughly and immediately contact the medical service. Call 1177 to get in touch with the nearest healthcare clinic.

Source: Swedish Agency for Agriculture
