Ukraine: Zelensky’s army “will continue to hold” Bakhmout against Russian forces

Ukraine Zelenskys army will continue to hold Bakhmout against Russian

The Ukrainian army reinforces its defensive lines in Bakhmout. General Oleksandr Syrskyi, who commands the Ukrainian land forces, assured this Tuesday, May 2 that the defenses of the city would be reinforced in order to withstand the Russian offensives. “We will continue, despite all predictions and advice, to hold Bakhmut, destroy Wagner and other of the most combat-capable units of the Russian army,” the military said.

“Together with the commanders, we have taken a number of necessary decisions aimed at ensuring an effective defense and inflicting the maximum number of losses on the enemy,” the senior officer added, according to footage taken during his visit to the compound. besieged city, reports Reuters.

According to the United States, the conflict is bogged down, and is already responsible for the death of 20,000 Russian fighters in Ukraine since December.

Denmark: armored vehicles and ammunition for an additional 228 million euros for kyiv

Denmark will donate 228 million euros of equipment, ammunition and air defense material to Ukraine to “strengthen (s) its ability to carry out an offensive in the coming months”, the Danish ministry announced on Tuesday. of the defense. Amounting to 1.7 billion crowns, “this is Denmark’s largest donation to date,” the ministry said in a statement.

With this donation, which includes armored and demining vehicles, mortar shells and mobile field bridges, Danish military aid to Ukraine amounts to 11 billion crowns (1.47 billion euros or $1.61 billion) since the start of the Russian invasion.

“The equipment contained in the package is essential to clear the way for Ukrainian tanks and armored infantry on the front line,” acting defense minister Troels Lund Poulsen said in the statement.

Ukraine and Canada pledge to continue their long-term cooperation

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Monday the continuation of their long-term cooperation program. The two leaders had a telephone conversation on Monday, after which the head of the Canadian government pledged to support “Ukraine as long as necessary”. “Canada will continue to provide them with military, humanitarian and financial assistance,” said Justin Trudeau in a tweet.

During his daily televised address, the Ukrainian president for his part welcomed the program “of long-term defense cooperation between Ukraine and Canada”. “Canada has already started confiscating Russian assets,” said Volodymir Zelensky, adding that “this is a significant example for all other countries in the world.” Canada has already trained more than 36,000 Ukrainian soldiers since September 2015 and this mission has been extended until March 2025.

Russian governor denounces Ukrainian bombardment in Bryansk region

Ukrainian forces shelled a village in Russia’s Bryansk region on the border with Ukraine on Tuesday (May 2nd), the local governor said in a social media post, a day after an explosion ripped through derail a freight train in the area. “In the morning, the Ukrainian armed forces shelled the village of Kurkovichi in the Starodubsky municipal district,” Bryansk Governor Alexander Bogomaz said in a message on his Telegram channel. “There were no casualties. Following the bombing, a fire broke out in one of the houses. All emergency services are on site.

Ukraine almost never publicly claims responsibility for attacks inside Russia and on Russian-controlled territory in Ukraine. The army, however, reports daily on activities and troop movements in battlefield areas. On Monday, a locomotive and seven freight cars derailed in Bryansk after an unidentified explosive device detonated, Alexander Bogomaz said. Russian authorities say the region, which borders both Ukraine and Belarus, has seen multiple attacks by pro-Ukrainian sabotage groups in the 14 months since Russia invaded. On Saturday, the governor said four civilians died when a village was hit by shelling on the Ukrainian side of the border.

ECHR condemns Russia for abuse of ‘pariah’ prisoners

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) condemned Russia on Tuesday for failing to prevent the inhuman or degrading treatment inflicted in prison on “pariah” detainees, located at the bottom of the informal hierarchy of prisoners. The Court had been seized by eleven Russian nationals, who were serving prison sentences after being found guilty of various offences.

These detainees complained about the treatment meted out to them by other prisoners, because of their belonging to the category of “pariahs”, described as the lowest of the four castes governing relations between prisoners in the Russian prison system.

These “pariahs” were assigned to “degrading tasks”, and, in the event of “failure”, were exposed to violence or sexual abuse. They were reportedly assigned to separate living quarters and claimed that these practices were condoned by Russian prison staff.

US envoy to Brazil after Lula’s controversial comments on Ukraine

A high-ranking US envoy visited Brazil on Monday in hopes of renewing dialogue with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, whose controversial remarks on the conflict in Ukraine had angered Washington. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States’ ambassador to the UN, will hold talks in Brasília on Tuesday with Brazilian government officials, then on Wednesday will travel to Salvador, the heart of the Afro-Brazilian community, to talk about racial equality.

Those around her insist that she will focus her attention on cooperation between the two giants of the Americas rather than on the Brazilian president’s comments about Ukraine. But, said an official on condition of anonymity, Linda Thomas-Greenfield will have the opportunity to “take stock” of this subject. “Our position is that a number of countries around the world, including Brazil, can play a positive role in trying to end the conflict,” he added.

20,000 Russian fighters killed in Ukraine since December

US intelligence estimates that 20,000 Russian fighters have been killed in Ukraine since December, and another 80,000 wounded in combat, a White House spokesman said Monday (May 1). “Since December, we estimate that Russia has had more than 100,000 combatants killed or injured, including 20,000 combat deaths,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said during a conference call. press.

He said half of the dead belonged to the Russian private military group Wagner, and were mostly former prisoners “thrown into the fighting in Bakhmout (eastern Ukraine) without training or sufficient military command.” “The conclusion is that Russia’s offensive has backfired,” said John Kirby. On the other hand, he refused to comment on the losses suffered by Ukraine, supported by a Western coalition led by the United States. “It’s up to them to talk about it or not. I will never make public anything that makes it difficult for them. They are the victims, Russia is the aggressor,” he said. explain.

Russian ‘explosive device’ derails freight train near Ukraine

An “explosive device” derailed and set fire to a freight train in the Russian region of Bryansk bordering Ukraine on Monday, a rare incident which did not cause any casualties, according to the authorities. In full fear of sabotage operations and attacks in Russia, a high voltage line was also damaged on Monday by an explosive device in the Leningrad region (Northwest).

The incidents come a day after a Ukrainian strike that killed four people in a village in the Bryansk region and two days after a drone attack that caused a huge fire at an oil depot in annexed Crimea. On Monday, Alexander Bogomaz, the governor of the Bryansk region said on Telegram that “an unidentified explosive device was detonated, which led to the derailment of a freight train”.
