Ukraine: Zelensky accuses EU of doing too little, gas embargo blocked

Ukraine Zelenski at the UN horrific crimes against civilians Russia

(Finance) – The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky back to accuse the EU of doing too little to stop Russia and to continue to buy oil and gas Russians. A trade that this year will bring in 300 billion dollars in Moscow, “money stained with the blood of other people”.

Zelensky calls into question especially Germany and Hungary, which accuses of curbing efforts aimed at an embargo on energy products. “Some of our friends and partners understand that now is a different time, that it is no longer a question of business and money, but a question of survival,” she admits.

A response to the statements of the Russian President Vadimir Putin which, speaking of gas supplies to Europe, had stated that it is “impossible for hostile countries to be able to do without of Russian energy resources, including natural gas “and that currently” for Europe its replacement is simply not there “.

The atrocity committed by Russian troops in Mariupol and in the outskirts of Kiev, in Bucha and Borodyanka – again Zelensky warns – have further narrowed the chances of peace talks with the Russians.

Give it USA meanwhile the National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivanwarns that “any Russia’s attempt to obstruct the transfer of arms to Ukraine is likely to trigger an escalation and “if the Russians were to strike any part of NATO territory, where military equipment is assembled, this would entail the invocation of Article 5 and would completely change the game”.
