Ukraine won’t stop ‘until Russian murderers are punished’

Ukraine and the EU will hold a summit in February

One year to the day. Ukraine returns this Friday, February 24 in its second year of war against the Russian occupation forces. Ukrainians fear new attacks by Vladimir Putin’s army to “celebrate” the first anniversary of this bloody conflict, which, according to the latest estimates, has left more than 180,000 Russian soldiers and 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead or wounded. “Ukrainians, Ukrainians, France stands by your side. To solidarity, to victory and to peace,” French President Emmanuel Macron said on Twitter.

For his part, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has declared that his country will not stop “until the Russian murderers are punished”. “The world has seen what Ukraine is capable of. These are the new heroes. Defenders of Kiev, defenders of Azovstal. New feats performed by entire cities. Kharkiv, Cherniguiv, Mariupol, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Gostomel , Volnovakha, Boutcha, Irpin, Okhtyrka. Hero cities. The capitals of invincibility”, he greeted in an address on social networks on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Russian invasion.

Wagner claims to control a locality near Bakhmout

This Friday, the number one of the paramilitary group Wagner, Evguéni Prigojine, claimed to control “the entirety of Berkhovka”, in a press release published by his press service. This key city, located north of Bakhmout, had been in Putin’s sights for several months. AFP has not yet verified these independent source statements.

UN General Assembly demands ‘immediate’ withdrawal

The UN General Assembly on Thursday demanded an “immediate” withdrawal of Russian troops who invaded Ukraine a year ago, voting by an “overwhelming” majority on a resolution also calling for a “just and lasting” peace. .

“We got a win […]. The world understands whose side is the truth”, welcomed the head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, Andriï Yermak. “It is an overwhelming majority on the part of the international community which confirms its strong support for Ukraine , victim of Russian aggression”, rejoiced for his part the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell.

To applause, the non-binding resolution garnered the votes of 141 of the 193 UN member states, 7 voted against (Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea, Mali, Nicaragua, Eritrea) and 32 abstained, including China and India. Similar support in October, when 143 countries condemned the annexations of several Ukrainian territories by Russia, five voting against.

Beijing calls for dialogue

The Chinese government called on Russia and Ukraine to resume dialogue and rejected any recourse to nuclear weapons, in a 12-point document published on Friday. “All parties should support Russia and Ukraine to work in the same direction and resume direct dialogue as soon as possible” for a “peaceful solution”, said the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Nuclear weapons must not be used and nuclear war must not be waged. The threat or use of nuclear weapons must be opposed,” the document states. And to add that “the parties (involved) in the conflict must strictly comply with international humanitarian law, avoid attacking civilians or civilian buildings”.

London calls on the G7 to give a “decisive advantage to Ukraine”

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called on his G7 allies, who are due to meet by videoconference on Friday on the first anniversary of the Russian invasion, to provide artillery more quickly to the Ukrainian army and to bring it longer range weapons.

“For Ukraine to win this war – and for that day to come sooner – it must gain a decisive advantage on the battlefield. […] Instead of adopting a gradual approach, our priority must be to act more quickly in terms of artillery, armor and air defence”, must declare during this meeting the conservative leader, according to his services.

Washington announces $2 billion for Ukraine

Washington will provide another tranche of military aid to Ukraine, amounting to 2 billion dollars, a year to the day after the start of the Russian invasion, the national security adviser of the National Security Council announced on Thursday. White House, Jake Sullivan. The senior official, who accompanied Joe Biden on a surprise visit to Kyiv this week, added that the US administration is constantly considering how to “give Ukraine the tools to victoire”.
