Ukraine will not make any territorial concessions to Russia, says Rada Chairman

Ukraine will not make any territorial concessions to Russia says

Invited to Paris by the President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher, the President of the Ukrainian Parliament Rouslan Stefantchouk hammered home the same message as President Zelensky: Ukraine will not make any territorial concessions to Russia.

It was in khaki that he came to speak, in one of the gilded salons of the French Senate. Imposing stature, closely trimmed beard, Rouslan Stefantchouk affirms it from the start: it is out of the question to cede the slightest acre of land to Russia. “ Ukraine will never yield on its territorial integrity. Therefore, all questions relating to a possible cession of Crimea or Donbass are meaningless. Because these regions are an integral part of our country, like Provence or Burgundy are an integral part of France “, assures the president of the Ukrainian Rada.

France is criticized in Ukraine for its attitude deemed ambivalent towards the Kremlin. In question, the call launched by Emmanuel Macron not to ” humiliate russia “. The president of the Rada kicks in touch: “ nobody cannot humiliate Russia any more than Vladimir Putin himself did. It was he who ostracized his own country from the international community and it is because of him that the Russian state is weakening. And it’s up to the Russians themselves to decide if they continue to accept it or if they resist by ceasing to be afraid. »

Ukraine wants candidate status for EU membership

As for Ukraine, its “ only way » is that of Europe and it is the other message hammered home during his visit by the President of the Rada who will be this Wednesday at the Parliament of Strasbourg. Ruslan Stefatchouk hopes that the status of candidate for European membership will be granted to Ukraine at the next European summit at the end of the month.

At the end of his visit, Rouslan Stefantchouk invited the President of the French Senate to go to Ukraine. Gérard Larcher replied that he would surrender shortly in kyiv, and that he would report on this visit to French President Emmanuel Macron.

►Also read : Report – In Shevchenko, the scars of the passage of the Russians, after the liberation by the Ukrainians
