Ukraine, US ok for 13 billion in aid. A meeting in person Biden-Zelenski is planned

Ukraine US ok for 13 billion in aid A meeting

(Finance) – “The invasion of Putin of Ukraine united us in America and in the world. “These are the words used by Joe Biden he commended the bipartisan effort of Congress in approving the new ones 13.6 billion dollars to “face the invasion ofUkraine and the impact on surrounding countries. “These new funds, the president said at the signing ceremony,” will help our response to those affected by Putin’s violence. “Meanwhile, an in-person meeting between the president is being planned. Biden and the Ukrainian president Zelensky. “We are finalizing the travel plan,” White House spokesperson Jen Psaki replied to reporters’ question about whether the voyage by Joe Biden, next week in Europe, may be the occasion for an in-person meeting with Ukrainian President Zelensky.

In the meantime there was a interview telephone between the Russian president Vladimir Putin and the President of the Council of the European Union Charles Michel. The first accused Ukraine of not wanting to find a mutually acceptable solution to the conflict. Michel instead reiterated the European request for “an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of the Russian army” from Ukraine and the urgent opening of “humanitarian access and safe passage”

Today there were two victims among media operators after the artillery bombardment in the north-eastern part of the village of Gorenki, in the Kiev region, on the road to Irpin. The Ukrainian journalist was killed Oleksandra Kurshinova – as reported by France Presse – and the Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski. The confirmation of the death of the latter came only today: Zakrzewski, operator of the American broadcaster with a long experience in war theaters, died following the wounds caused by the Russian attack. Fox News, expressed his condolences for the loss of his colleague and condolences to his wife and family, and also explained that Zakrzewski died in the same accident in which correspondent Benjamin Hall was injured.
