Ukraine, Unc: Ismea denies owls, no rise in pasta due to war

Ukraine Unc Ismea denies owls no rise in pasta due

(Finance) – “Ismea has just published an interesting dossier on the possible consequences of the war in Ukraine for the sector agri-food which confirms our thesis and disproves the owls who are already shouting to the rise of the prices of some goods due to the war, as if the price increases of raw materials could be transferred instantly to the prices of the final processed products “he said Massimiliano Donapresident ofNational Consumers Union. “Ismea clearly maintains that no increase in pasta can be due to the ongoing war, given that, as reported by Ismea,” in the global supply of durum wheat, the role of countries directly involved in the conflict or geographically or politically part of the Russian orbit is practically non-existent “” continues Dona.

“There pastain fact, it has become more expensive in one year by 12.5% ​​(from January 2021 to January 2022) and is destined to rise further in February, as attested by the provisional advances of Istat (pasta and couscous, which in addition to fresh and dry pasta includes pasta preparations, it marks a tendential inflation in February equal to + 11.7%, against + 9.3% in January), but due to the lack of imports from Canada (-59.6%) and then give it United States(-46.1%) who had bad harvests, certainly not for the Russia ol ‘Ukraine. It should also be remembered that the raw material affects the final sale price for less than 25. This means, for example, that to have a 20 or 30% increase in pasta, the price of wheat would have to rise by 80 and 120% respectively. This is why we ask pasta producers and distributors not to speculate on the typical Italian dish and demonstrate a sense of responsibility. We announce, however, that we will report any anomalous mark-up to the Antitrust “continues Dona.

“It’s a little less good for the breadwhich depends on the wheat tender, but today Ismea confirms that, with respect to our total national import, Ukraine supplies us with a share of 5%, Russia 1%. In short, quotas defined marginal. Furthermore, given that the raw material accounts for about 10% of the final price, it means that an increase of 30% would be needed to have a 3% increase. Finally, bread has already risen by 4.9% in February, adding fresh and packaged, so there could be further adjustments in the coming months, but contained and due to the rise in energy prices, certainly not due to the war, which must not become an excuse to further empty the pockets of Italians who cannot faint to buy a basic product of our daily diet “concludes Dona.
