Ukraine: Three children, including a baby, died in Russia’s attacks

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The attacks launched by Russia on Ukraine on February 24 continue to take the lives of civilians. Governor of the Donetsk Region, Pavlo Kirilenko, announced that two girls, aged 5 and 14, lost their lives in the attack organized by Russia. The statement was made from Kirilenko’s Telegram account. Kirilenko stated that the children saved their lives in the attack in Ocheretinsk, and reiterated his call for civilians to leave the war zone and go to safer areas as much as possible. It was reported that a three-month-old baby died in the Russian attack on Odessa.

Reaction to child deaths

Aid organization Save the Children made a harsh statement on the news that a three-month-old baby was among those killed in the missile attack on the port city of Odessa by Russia. “There is no safe place in Ukraine,” said Pete Walsh, Ukraine Director of Save the Children, that more than 450 children have died in the two months since the war began.

According to the information provided by Save the Children, approximately 63 thousand children have been born since the beginning of the Ukraine war on February 24. Save the Children pointed out that these children will have physical and psychological scars that they will carry for a lifetime.

Save the Children Director Walsh repeated, “Children born in war are literally born into destruction,” and reminded that if the necessary conditions and the right help are provided, they can resist the conditions of war and survive what they have been through.

Russia: We attacked 12 targets

In the statement made by the Russian Ministry of Defense, it was announced that attacks were carried out on 12 targets in Ukraine during the night. Defense Ministry Spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said that a facility in the Dnipropetvosk region, where bullets were produced for Ukrainian forces, was hit. The spokesperson said that four military depots and the meeting place of the troops were destroyed in Kharkiv, and that 150 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the attacks. The spokesperson also noted that 423 attacks were carried out on Easter.

Attack continues on Azovstal facilities in Mariupol

Ukraine announced that Russia’s attacks against the Azovstal iron and steel plant in Mariupol continue. It was noted that the facilities in Mariupol, where civilians and Ukrainian fighters are located, and which are considered to be one of the most important points that Russia cannot control, are under constant fire.

Adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy Michaylo Podolyak said on Twitter that Mariupol was “attacked from the air with heavy bombs and from the ground with artillery.” Podolyak, who is also the chief negotiator in the negotiations with Russia, also demanded that at least in Mariupol, which is the most important feast of the Orthodox, the guns be silenced, the establishment of a humanitarian corridor for the removal of civilians, and the exchange of soldiers and civilians.

Russia gathers forces in the north

According to the information provided by Ukrainian sources, Russia is gathering its troops in the border area in the north of Ukraine. The Ukrainian General Staff claimed that additional troops were deployed in the city of Belgorod, 60 km from the border. It was also noted that among the military vehicles and weapons deployed here are Iskender-M type missiles. Iskender is important because it is a mobile ballistic missile. It is reported that the attack range power is 500 kilometers and can be used with or without a nuclear warhead.

Call from Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew

Ecumenical Patriarch of the Istanbul Orthodox Patriarchate, Bartholomew I, reiterated his call for Russia to immediately stop its attacks on Ukraine. Bartholomew said that what happened in the Easter Mass held last night was a fratricide, and emphasized that, as in every war, what happened in this war “destroyed human dignity and the love ordered to be felt for the creature”. The Patriarch also demanded the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the removal of civilians from Mariupol, which was almost completely destroyed.

Ukrainian President Zelensky repeated his call to the Pope on the occasion of Easter and said that the Catholics hope their leader will visit his country.

DW, rt, KNA / ET,HT
