Ukraine: the great game of diplomatic chess continues

Ukraine the great game of diplomatic chess continues

The Russian-Western crisis has been going on for weeks now and concerns the fate of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin has decided to confront the Western camp to raise the status of his country. A veritable game of diplomatic chess is unfolding before our eyes. How can this evolve in the days to come?

It all depends on developments on the ground. If there is no Russian intervention in Ukraine, discussions will continue. As the German Foreign Minister says, it is better to talk to each other even if it means taking small steps towards a solution, rather than taking a big step towards war.

We clearly remain in a dialogue of the deaf since Russia considers that its essential demand – on the non-expansion of NATO towards the east and in particular towards Ukraine – has not been satisfied and has almost no chance. of being.

► To read also: Munich Security Conference, Ukraine at the heart of the debates

But we still want to try. This is the only somewhat reassuring point at this hour. On both sides, we say we are ready to continue the dialogue despite everything. Westerners are now saying that we must talk seriously about the balance of security in Europe; implied Russian demands on NATO are unrealistic and date from the Cold War.

Information war between Moscow and Washington

And then there is always this unknown: what does Vladimir Putin really want to do? Westerners indeed suspect him of having a hidden objective and of trying to lull the mistrust of Europeans and Americans.

The standoff will therefore continue, we hope peacefully. With for the moment a veritable information war between Moscow and Washington. Especially around a beginning of withdrawal of Russian troops far from the borders of Ukraine. Moscow, with supporting images, claims that it is in progress, Washington doesn’t believe it. Worse: Joe Biden even claims that we are witnessing the strengthening of Russian military capacities – 7,000 additional personnel have reportedly been deployed in recent days. For its part, Russia continues to deny any intention to invade Ukraine.

Very volatile situation in the Donbass

Another theater of this propaganda war between the two camps: the Donbass. Each indeed accuses each other of provocations. According to Ukraine, shots from pro-Russian separatists were fired at a Ukrainian village.

The Russians, for their part, accuse the Ukrainian army of numerous bombardments near Donetsk: they therefore denounce Ukrainian preparations to launch an offensive in the Donbass, which would give a golden opportunity to the Russian army to go to the help from the separatists, and therefore to enter Ukraine, since these two territories are still officially part of this country. But it would be for a good cause in a way.

► To read also: “I don’t want it to start again”: the Donbass, between fear and resignation

The situation therefore remains very volatile in the Donbass, and will be watched very closely by Westerners in the hours and days to come. Because the spark that would ignite everything could well come from there.
