Ukraine, Russian bombing continues: no withdrawal from Kiev and Chernihiv

Ukraine Putin urges the military of Kiev to overthrow the

(Finance) – The statements of the Russian delegation that negotiated with the Ukrainian counterpart in Istanbul do not seem to have found great confirmation on the ground. According to reports from the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, in fact, There is no large-scale withdrawal of Russians in the areas of Kiev And Chernihiv but only limited movements. “The enemy has withdrawn the units that have suffered the greatest losses to supply them”, explained the spokesman of the Ministry, Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, adding that “the siege of Chernihiv continues, as missiles and artillery shells launched by the Russian forces”.

Meanwhile Vladimir Medinskychief negotiator of Moscow and advisor to President Vladimir Putin, quoted by Interfax reiterated that after yesterday’s talks in Istanbul with the Ukrainian delegation “Russia’s basic position on the Crimea and the Donbass has not changed. “The Russian bombing today hit a Red Cross building in Mariupol. The news came from a Ukrainian official.” A Mariupol the occupants deliberately bombed the building of the International Committee of the Red Cross“, wrote on Telegram Lioudmyla Denisova, in charge of human rights at the Ukrainian Parliament.” Enemy aviation and artillery fired on a building marked with a red cross on a flat background, indicating the presence of injured people or civilians and humanitarian material “, he added.” At the moment we have no information on the victims, “said Denisova, without indicating how many people were in the building at the time of the attack.

Also affected was the field office of the EU advisory mission in Ukraine, “suffering serious damage” said the EU High Representative. Josep Borrell. “No mission member or collaborator was injured”, assured Borrell that he expressed a “firm condemnation” of the attack and “of any attack on civilians and civilian infrastructure”.

“The situation in Ukraine is deteriorating,” said UNICEF Director-General. Catherine Russell. “While the number of children fleeing their homes continues to grow, we must remember that each of them needs protection, education, safety and support. “Children account for half of all war refugees in Ukraine, according to theUNICEF andUNHCR. Over 1.1 million children have arrived in Poland, hundreds of thousands are arriving in Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
