Ukraine responds to Russian warning of a new world war

Ukraine responds to Russian warning of a new world war

The Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kulebaassured that Russia feels that it is losing the war in Ukraine, and that is why it speaks of a possible global conflict, which could become the Third World War.

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrovstated in an interview on Channel One’s ‘Big Game’, that although “the inadmissibility of a nuclear war is Moscow’s principled position, the danger of such a conflict should not be underestimated.”

“Russia loses the last hope of scaring the world out of supporting Ukraine. Hence there is talk of a ‘real’ danger of World War III, ”replied Kuleba on his Twitter account.

Lavrov’s statements and Kuleba’s response come shortly before the announced visit of the secretary general of the United NationsAntonio Guterres, to Moscow, where today he is scheduled to meet with the Foreign Minister and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Attack on Moldova

It occurs precisely while talking about an attack on moldovaspecifically to the pro-Russian region of Transnitria, where the radio has been one of the targets and several explosions have been seen. Two explosions destroyed two antennas of a radio-television center in the town of Griporioolreported the Ministry of the Interior of that separatist entity.

As a result of this fact, The President of Moldova convened this morning the National Security Council. President Maia Sandu “is going to hold a meeting of the Supreme National Security Council today” and then offer a press conference, in relation to the explosions that shook a radio station and a ministerial headquarters, the presidency reported.

This announcement comes at a time when Moldova fears being drawn into the conflict in neighboring Ukraine, invaded by Russia on February 24.
