Ukraine plans to recapture the Kherson region by September – American missiles play an important role

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

The Russians occupied an important agricultural area already at the beginning of the war. Now the Ukrainians have set their sights on the bridge leading to the capital of the region.

The Kherson region in southern Ukraine, already occupied by Russian forces in the early stages of the war, will be retaken by September, said the region’s administrative authorities in an interview on Ukrainian television on Sunday.

– There has been a turning point in the fighting. The armed forces of Ukraine have been successful in their latest operations. Our troops are advancing, we are moving from defense to counterattack, assured a member of the Kherson regional authorities Serhii Khlan.

In the past week, Ukraine has struck the Antonivskyi bridge leading to the city of Kherson, which is controlled by Russian forces. Fresh footage from the area shows that the bridge was damaged in the Ukrainian attacks. Russian troops have restricted traffic on the bridge during the repair work.

The bridge, which is more than a kilometer long, is important to the Russians, because over it they have been able to move troops and equipment across the Dnieper River.

Ukrainian forces have hit the bridge with US Himars long-range rocket launcher systems. Ukraine aims to use long-range rocket launchers to carry out counter-attacks and turn the tide of the war.

The Russians captured the most important city in the region, Kherson, at the beginning of March. It was the first major city captured by the Russians since the Russians invaded Ukraine at the end of February.

Kherson region is one of the important agricultural regions of Ukraine.
