Ukraine, Moscow’s no to peace talks in the Vatican. From Kiev: a billion dollars to get through the winter

Ukraine Moscows no to peace talks in the Vatican From

(Finance) – The Russia he rejected the cardinal’s proposal Peter Parolin to host talks between Moscow and Kiev in Vatican. “I’m afraid the Chechen and Buryat brothers, besides me, would not appreciate it. As far as I remember, there were no words of apology from the Vatican,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman replied, Mary Zakharov, as reported by the Russian news agency Tass. Zakharova referred to the accusations of cruelty formulated in recent days by Pope Francis against Buryat and Chechen soldiers in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has said it needs $1 billion to quickly restore critical infrastructure to weather the Ukrainska Pravda winter. The estimate was provided by the Ukrainian premier, Denis Shmyhal, at a meeting of the OECD, the Ukrainian newspaper reported. The prime minister explained that the plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine after the war foresees three phases “but the priority now is the survival phase: the rapid restoration of critical infrastructure and the energy sector to overcome the winter period”.

The Foreign Minister of Kiev, Dmytro KulebaInstead, he returned to ask for military support for the country. “Ukraine can end this war with a victory and a just peace as soon as possible, and it will do so if EU support is significantly increased. I urge you to significantly increase military aid for Ukraine.” Kuleba said in his online speech at the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting.

Meanwhile, according to some advances published by Ukrainska Pravda, the Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky host of the Netflix broadcast of the well-known American presenter David Letterman declared that “the Russian president Vladimir Putin he fears death, that’s why I think he won’t use it weapons nuclear“. “I see Putin, I see that he loves to live. He even sits at that long table. Frightened by covid or something,” Zelensky added, referring to the six-metre table used in meetings with some international leaders. directed against him personally,” Zelensky added.

(Photo: ANSA)
