Ukraine, Moscow warns: US and NATO vehicles with “legitimate targets” weapons

Ukraine USA Putins plan skipped troops stalled

(Finance) – The Russia considers US and NATO vehicles transporting weapons and ammunition across the territory of Ukraine as legitimate military targets: the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister told Tass, Sergey Ryabkov. “We warn that US-NATO means of transport carrying ammunition and weapons across the territory of Ukraine will be seen by us as legitimate military targets “Ryabkov said.

Meanwhile, according to what Ukrinform reports as well 500,000 Ukrainians were forcibly brought to Russia by the Moscow authorities: President Zelensky said today during his speech to the Estonian Parliament. According to Zelensky, the Russians try to take the deported Ukrainians to remote regions of the country, confiscate their documents and personal items such as cell phones and separate the children from their parents to allow – it is the plan, he says – Russian families to adopt them illegally.

“There Russia it can increase the consumption of oil, gas and coal on the domestic market and increase supplies to other parts of the world “, says the Russian president Putin taken from the Tass. The decision of the Westerners to refuse normal cooperation with Russia and part of Russian energy resources has already affected millions of Europeans and the United States, the Russian president said again.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced that he had no information on any surrender by Ukrainian soldiers to Mariupol: the minister’s spokesman told reporters referring to the 1,026 marines who according to the Russian Defense Ministry would have surrendered in the Ukrainian port city. The Guardian reports, quoting Reuters.

“The Russians destroyed the hospitals and the whole city. This is a genocide launched by a war criminal, Putin, against our nation. As long as we resist, Ukraine will resist too,” said Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boichenko. “The victims remained on the street according to our estimates are at least 20,000, people killed by soldiers of the russian federation. The enemy planes bombed the city incessantly trying to hide the evidence of the atrocities committed, to hide the traces also using the mobile crematory ovens, as confirmed by our intelligence “.”Mariupol will forever remain Ukrainian “, the mayor concluded, underlining that evidence is being gathered “of the use of chemical weapons by Russian forces in Ukraine. Our experts are examining them, even if it will not be easy”
