Ukraine: Moscow claims the capture of Bakhmout, Zelensky’s spokesman denies

Ukraine Moscow claims the capture of Bakhmout Zelenskys spokesman denies

According to Moscow, Bakhmout would have fallen. The Russian authorities have announced that they control the entire city located in eastern Ukraine, after months of intense clashes, notably involving the paramilitary militia Wagner. Information that is disputed by the Ukrainians, who deny the capture of the city.

Volodymyr Zelensky, for his part, made a surprise appearance at the G7, which takes place this weekend in Hiroshima, Japan. The Ukrainian President met with the leaders of the countries present. This Sunday, he is expected to talk with Joe Biden, who announced Friday that he would approve the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukrainian forces.

Moscow claims capture of Bakhmout

The Russian army on Saturday evening claimed full capture of the city of Bakhmout, which has been the scene of heavy fighting in eastern Ukraine since February 2022. “Following the offensive actions of Wagner’s assault units , with the support of the artillery and aviation of the Southern unit, the liberation of the city of Artemovsk is complete,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

An announcement that follows that of Wagner’s boss, Evgueni Prigojine. The man said overnight that the paramilitary group controlled the entire city, taking credit for the success of the operation, explaining that there were “only Wagner here”, and no regular troops from the Russian army.

From Hiroshima, where he has been for the G7 summit since Saturday, Volodymyr Zelensky was ambiguous, contenting himself with evoking the state of the city, after months of conflict: “You must understand that he there is nothing there. Today, Bakhmout is only in our hearts.” Serguiï Nykyforov, spokesman for the Ukrainian president, then announced that “the president has denied the capture of Bakhmout”.

Zelensky seeking G7 support

This Sunday, Volodymyr Zelensky is still in Japan, to attend the G7 summit. The Ukrainian president, who arrived in Hiroshima on Saturday where the meeting is being held, is looking for new diplomatic and military support in the face of the Russian invasion. Initially, he was only to attend the event through a videoconference. On the spot, he met in particular the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Emmanuel Macron and the President of the European Council Charles Michel.

This Sunday, Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden should meet around 2 p.m. The US president had hinted on Friday that he could allow other countries to supply Kiev with fighter jets, a long-standing demand of the Ukrainian president. This logistical aid should be accompanied by training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 planes. An initiative strongly criticized by Russia.

New shipment of US arms and ammunition to Ukraine

Joe Biden, from Hiroshima where he is for the G7 summit, announced this Sunday that the United States would provide new weapons to the Ukrainians. These deliveries will include “ammunition, artillery, armored vehicles”, specified the American president. This delivery follows the agreement given to Washington’s allies to supply F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

Pope Francis sends a peace mission to Ukraine

Pope Francis has ordered Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and Archbishop of Bologna, to lead a peace mission in Ukraine. The man of the Church will have to “help resolve the tensions in the conflict in Ukraine, with the hope that the Holy Father has never given up, that this may open paths of peace”, according to the spokesman of the Vatican Matteo Bruni. “The timetable for this mission and its modalities are being studied,” added the Holy See.
