Ukraine, Meloni: “All-round support from Italy”

Ukraine Meloni All round support from Italy

(Finance) – “The Italian and Polish governments supply arms together, we talked about future arms supplies to Ukraine so that there may be peace and stability”. That’s what the said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at the end of the meeting with the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni who flew to Warsaw today. The premier arrived at the government building shortly after 5 pm and during the afternoon she also met the President of Poland Andrzej Duda. From the comparison, a step towards tomorrow’s meeting of the Italian premier with Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev, full harmony emerged between Rome and Warsaw.

“Thanks for yet another opportunity to meet, I’m happy – she said Melons at the end of the meeting with Morawiecki – to be in Warsaw, today the strength of the bond between the two nations is demonstrated, a bond that continues to grow. Last year we had 29 billion euros of trade and we believe it can grow. Our cultural relationship also continues to grow. We are the only two nations in the world that mention each other in their national anthem. We are bound by historical figures such as John Paul II, a giant of history and faith and the liturgical memory of Saint John Paul II occurred on the day the government took office. Poland is the moral and material border of the West and we as Europeans must say thank you for what it is doing – he said Melons talking about the war in Ukraine –. For years – he continued – we have had a very similar idea of ​​what Europe should be today as an international actor that is a political and non-bureaucratic giant and we work for that. A Europe where the principle of subsidiarity applies whereby Brussels does not do what Rome and Warsaw can do alone. We also saw it in the last European Council”.

“Italy – he said Melons – is determined to support Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion with financial, military and humanitarian support. Ukraine knows it can count on us at 360 degrees. Ukraine can count on Italy, we have been there and we will be there”.

“We want a strong Europe – he reiterated Morawiecki –. A Europe that can be a global player, a Europe of homelands: we share Christian values ​​and the vision of a Europe of homelands”.

On the table also the immigration theme. “We cannot continue,” he stressed Melons – to allow the selection of entry to be made by gangs of traffickers, we cannot confuse migration and refugees. We are looking for answers and a serious Europe must tackle issues with pragmatism. External borders need to be discussed first.”

In the statements to the press, the Italian premier also spoke of the necessary measures to defend European companies. “We realize – he said Melons – how the EU needs very concrete measures to defend its companies, which cannot favor someone to the detriment of others and if, for example, someone asks for a relaxation of the rules on state aid, it is good that this does not produce a distortion of the internal market. We asked and obtained in the conclusions of the EU Council that full flexibility of the existing funds and the choices that are being made also in the debate on flexibility and growth be discussed”.
