Ukraine launches internet portal to report assets of those involved in Russian aggression

Ukraine launches internet portal to report assets of those involved

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While the soldiers and the people of Ukraine are valiantly resisting the military attack launched for more than a month by Vladimir Poutine against their country, war also takes place economically. Hitting Russia and its compromised elites in the wallet is one of the privileged levers to create the pressure likely to induce Moscow to put an end to its murderous aggression. Sanctions, seizures and others gels of assets have descended on a number of senior Russian leaders and oligarchs.

To make this fight even more effective and extend it, the Ukrainian government has just launched a Internet portal dedicated to pitchers whistleblowers who want to report the assets of people linked to Russian aggression. In concrete terms, anyone with precise information on the assets owned by Russian or Belarusian civil servants, oligarchs or opinion leaders with links to or supporting Vladimir Putin’s regime can submit a report via this site. Assets likely to be mentioned include real estate, means of transport (yachts, private jets, cars), Bank accounts, speciesgold reserves, cryptocurrenciesshares, intellectual property or subsoil exploitation rights.

A few precautions to take

Reporting can be done anonymously. However, the Ukrainian administration specifies that a nominal declaration can make it possible to claim the payment of a reward in certain countries where the declared assets are located. In an appended document, we learn, for example, that theUkraine grants a bonus equivalent to 10% of the amount of the object of the crime or the damage caused to the State “. In the USA, ” the whistleblower can receive a reward of 10 to 30% of the amount of the fine imposed “, can we read.

For those who would like to get involved, the Ukrainian government recommends preferring public Wi-Fi access or on a network. mobile to a personal or work Internet connection. It is also advisable to use a VPN, a secure Tor Internet browser and to create a fictitious email address via an email service specializing in anonymous mailboxes such as ProtonMail, 10 Minute Mail or Anonymous Email.

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