Ukraine is now allowed to attack Russia with Western weapons, but it will not solve the war, says researcher | Foreign countries

Ukraine is now allowed to attack Russia with Western weapons

The use of Western weapons will not solve the war, but it is an important help for Ukraine, says Jyri Lavikainen, a researcher at the Foreign Policy Institute, in morning.

Attacking Russia with Western weapons will not solve Ukraine’s biggest problems in the war, says a researcher at the Foreign Policy Institute Jyri Lavikainen.

The United States and Germany confirmed on Friday that they have given Ukraine permission to strike Russian soil with weapons supplied by them.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday that the reason behind the change is to adapt to the situation on the battlefield. Russia has recently stepped up its attacks on Ukraine’s second largest city, Kharkiv, which is located 19 kilometers from the Russian border.

According to Lavikainen, Ukraine can now strike against Russian command posts and logistics, which will help in the defense of the Kharkiv area.

– Before this, Russia has been able to keep its troops protected on its own side of the border. We have had to watch from the sidelines that they are there now, but nothing can really be done, Lavikainen said in an interview with aam on Monday.

Lavikainen: An important small change

Now that the permit has been granted in the Kharkiv area, it can easily be granted to other frontline blocks as well, if the need arises, Lavikainen says.

However, he does not believe that attacking Russia with Western weapons would bring a decisive advantage to Ukraine.

– Ukraine’s main problem is not specifically related to this region [Harkovan] for defense, but for Russia’s huge artillery superiority and attacks on other front blocks, Lavikainen estimates.

– So, in that sense, this is not a decisive change. An important small change, however.

According to Lavikainen, the change of heart of the United States and Germany is actually part of the same strategy that the Western countries have had since almost the beginning of the war: removing the restrictions little by little and hoping that Russia will not interpret it as crossing the accepted borders.

However, the same tactic has given Russia time to strengthen the military industry and fortify the occupied territories, Lavikainen points out.

You can watch the entire interview on Areena or below.
