Ukraine hinted at talking to Russia – the Kremlin demanded guarantees | News in brief

Sometimes the time comes to talk with the Russians, says the Ukrainian foreign minister.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba hinted at the Ukrainian peace conference in Switzerland about the possibility of asking Russia to participate in the next peace conferences.

– Of course, we fully understand that there will come a time when it is necessary to talk to the Russians.

At the moment, however, Russia and the president Vladimir Putin demands for peace are too arrogant, Kuleba added.

– Our position is clear: We are not going to let Russia speak with demands, as it is speaking at the moment.

The Russian Kremlin also commented on possible peace talks on Sunday. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov according to President Putin does not rule out negotiations with Ukraine.

However, according to Peskov, Russia wants “guarantees” before any negotiations can be conducted credibly. Peskov did not clarify exactly what kind of guarantees it would be.

Earlier this week, Putin dictated, among other things, that Russia would permanently take over all the Ukrainian territories it is currently illegally occupying as part of its peace terms.
