Ukraine has now been at war for 60 days – three key news evenings and nights

Ukraine has now been at war for 60 days

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) says its international military observers have been arrested in Ukraine. The organization says it is using all channels to secure the release of observers.

We gathered the key news from last night and last night in connection with the war in Ukraine.

OSCE: Military observers arrested

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said on Saturday that its international military observers had been arrested in eastern Ukraine.

The organization said it intended to negotiate the release of observers.

– The OSCE is extremely concerned about the deprivation of observers in Donetsk and Luhansk. The OSCE will use all possible channels to facilitate the release of observers, the organization said in a statement on Saturday.

The organization has not specified how many military observers have been captured in eastern Ukraine.

The OSCE evacuated nearly 500 international military observers from Ukraine at the end of March, ending the mandate of the observation mission in eastern Ukraine.

The OSCE states on its website that the mission of the Monitoring Mission is to monitor and report impartially and objectively on the situation in Ukraine and to promote dialogue between the parties to the crisis.

In a statement issued on Friday, the British OSCE delegation said it had received “alarming information” that Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine were threatening the monitoring mission’s personnel, equipment and buildings and that Russian forces had arrested members of the OSCE monitoring mission.

The number of victims of the missile strike on Odessa rose to eight

Russia fired cruise missiles into the port city of Odessa on Saturday. According to official data, about 20 people were injured in the attack.

According to Ukraine, two of the missiles hit military targets and two civilian targets.

Ukraine’s air defense said it had destroyed two missiles, but four made it to the city.

Ukraine again said it had killed two Russian generals

Ukrainian army claims to have killed two Russian generals in the Kherson region in the south, says BBC (switch to another service). The information could not be verified from independent sources.

According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the duo were killed when Ukrainians destroyed a Russian mobile command center near Kherson on Friday. In addition, the third general was seriously wounded.

The Russians took over Kherson as early as March.

According to Western experts, more Russian generals have died in Ukraine than in any other conflict since World War II. This is reflected, among other things, in poor communications, as high-ranking officers have been forced to go close to the front to get up-to-date information on the fighting.
