Ukraine has been attacked on the country’s railways and power plants, evacuated from Azovstal tells of fears and hopelessness underground – three key news from the evening and night

Ukraine has been attacked on the countrys railways and power

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Azovstal evacuation operation required lengthy negotiations, mediation and a ceasefire. At the moment, Russian troops are not abiding by the agreements, the president says.

We gathered the key news from last night and last night in connection with the war in Ukraine.

Ukrainian authorities report attacks in various parts of the country

In the city of Lviv in western Ukraine, explosions and the mayor of the city were heard in the evening Andriy Sadovyi on Twitter urged residents to seek bomb shelter.

The attacks on the city, according to the mayor, damaged three electricity distribution centers and caused fire and power outages. Water supply was also disrupted.

Two people were reported injured in the attacks, the British broadcaster BBC reported. According to Sadovyi, power outages have affected some care facilities.

In addition to Lviv, Ukrainian authorities have reported attacks on, among others, the central city of Kirovograd and the southwestern city of Vinnytsia.

According to the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform, Russian troops fired two missiles from the Caspian Sea that hit the railway infrastructure in the Kirovograd region. The death toll was reported, Ukrinform wrote, but it did not go into detail about the damage.

Ukrainian air forces fired three missiles fired at the Odessa area, the news agency said.

The BBC also reported on the attack on Transcarpathia, near the Hungarian-Slovak border. The area has previously been spared from shocks. Director of Regional Military Administration Viktor Mykyta said in a telegram that information about potential victims is being investigated.

Russia’s attacks in eastern Ukraine in the Donetsk region killed 21 civilians and injured 27 on Tuesday, the governor said. Pavlo Kyrylenko.

Zelenskyi: The evacuation from Azovstal required a lot of effort and lengthy negotiations

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi has thanked those involved in the evacuation of the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol.

Zelenskyi said in a video speech last night that the operation required a lot of effort, lengthy negotiations and mediation.

According to Zelensky, 156 women and children arrived in Zaporizhia in an evacuation with the support of the Red Cross and the United Nations yesterday.

Zelenskyi said in a video speech late Tuesday night that Russian troops are currently not complying with the agreements, but are continuing massive attacks in Azovstal.

The mother who survived Azovstal: We lost hope of getting out

Katarina and his family saw the light of day for the first time in two months over the weekend. They reached Zaporizhia on Tuesday, where the family was evacuated from Mariupol.

They spent more than 60 days in a bunker at the Azovstal steel plant as Russian troops bombed the factory site and the city of Mariupol.

Katarina describes life in Azovstal as awful. The area, he said, was bombed around the clock with various weapons.

– Our kids couldn’t sleep. They cried. They were scared. And we too. Many times we lost hope that we would never get out, Katarina tells the BBC.

The family, which includes children aged 6 and 11, lived in the dark and received rations of food from Ukrainian fighters in the factory area defending the ruined Mariupol.
