Ukraine, first trains loaded with grain left for the Middle East

Ukraine Zelensky Russia is a terrorist state We are not

(Finance) – I first trains with Ukrainian wheat “they left Crimea for the Middle East”. This was stated by the head of the Russian administration in the Ukrainian region dealt with Zaporizhia, Yevgeni Balitsky, interviewed by the television broadcaster Rossiya 24. Balitsky did not specify which Middle Eastern countries the i recipients of the load, simply stating that “it’s about a traditional market for Ukraine “.

Just today the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, flew in Turkey to discuss the creation of maritime corridors to facilitate the grain trade in the Black Sea. And stated that Fly stands ready to ensure the safe passage of ships from Ukraine. “We are ready to ensure the safety of ships that they leave the Ukrainian ports Well yes heading towards the straits. We are ready to do this in collaboration with i our Turkish colleagues “, he said Lavrov during a press conference in Ankara, Turkey, with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu.

“The impact of the war on food security, energy and finance is systemic, severe and accelerating”: says, meanwhile, the UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, presenting the second report on the repercussions of the Ukrainian conflict.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi is expected at the Elysée where will have one tonight job dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron. The meeting, says Palazzo Chigi, “will be an opportunity to take stock of the crucial dossiers of the European agenda in view of the upcoming events: the G7 and NATO Summits scheduled for later this month and the European Council of 23 and June 24 in Brussels “.

At the center of the interview, “the developments of the war in Ukraine and support for Kiev, food security, the strengthening of European autonomy in defense and energy matters, with a view to a diversified energy strategy and less energy dependence on Russia “.

“After the crisis caused by the pandemic and the important signs of recovery also in the services, trade and tourism sectors, the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is generating a new moment of arrest and involution “. The President of the Republic writes it, Sergio Mattarella, in a message sent on the occasion of the General Assembly of Confcommercio.
