Ukraine, final assault on Azovstal steel mill has begun

Ukraine USA Putins plan skipped troops stalled

(Finance) – “Violent fighting” are in progress in the steel plant Azovstal of Mariupol. This was confirmed on Ukrainian TV on mayor of Mariupol, Vadym Boichenkoquoted by the Guardian. Boichenkohe told the Ukrainian TV that contact with the Kiev fighters at the Azvostal steel plant in Mariupol has been lost. The Kremlin in the meantime denies that the Russian forces have launched a assault on the plant.

The order it was publicly given by the commander-in-chief (Putin) to cancel any assault. There is no assault “, the Kremlin spokesman said Peskov, claiming that the forces of Fly are besieging the site and are only intervening to “quickly stop the attempts” of Ukrainian fighters to reach “shooting positions”.

The Ukrainian deputy Kira Rudik he said that there are still 30 children at the Azovstal steel plant in the besieged city of Mariupol in the south of the country. The Guardian writes it. Rudik reports that there have been at least 20 unsuccessful attempts to evacuate people from the steel plant. “You can imagine our tears when the first group” of people “was rescued”. According to the Kiev parliamentarian, “the main objective” is now to make an assessment of all the children who are still in the plant, together with the women, the elderly and the wounded soldiers: The most complicated step concerns the wounded soldiers because Russia does not allows them to go out. Rudik finally specified that yesterday 156 people managed to leave the city to reach Zaporizhzhia. Meanwhile, the mayor of Mariupol lets you know: “Lost contact with the fighters at Azovstal”.

A Russian military helicopter breached it this morning airspace of Finland, which is considering its entry into NATO. This was reported by the Helsinki Ministry of Defense. “The aircraft was a Mi-17 helicopter and the depth of the alleged violation was between four and five kilometers,” a spokesman for the ministry told AFP. This is the second violation reported by Finland this year, following last month’s foray by a transport aircraft belonging to the armed forces of Moscow.
