Ukraine, Draghi: support for Ukraine and less dependent on Russian gas as early as 2023

Ukraine Draghi support for Ukraine and less dependent on Russian

(Finance) –

The Prime Minister Mario Draghi in communications in the Senate before the EU Council declared that the government “together with EU and G7 partners intends to continue to support theUkraine as this Parliament has told us to do. “” Our channels of dialogue remain open, we will not stop supporting diplomacy and seeking peace, in the terms that Ukraine will choose “. he stressed.” To seek peace, to overcome the crisis: this is the mandate received from Parliament, from you. This is the guide of our action “, added the Prime Minister.

“There strategy of Italy – explained Draghi – in agreement with the EU and the G7, it moves on two fronts, we support Ukraine and impose sanctions to Russia so that Moscow ceases hostility and accepts to sit at the negotiating table “.

The prime minister recalled how the conflict triggered “a humanitarian crisis of extraordinary size, supplies of grain in the poorest countries “and in Ukrainian ports” millions of tons of the previous harvest are blocked. “We need to” free up the stocks that are in stock to release supplies and make room for the new harvest which will arrive in September “, reiterated Draghi.” In recent days, Russia has cut back on supplies of gas to the EU and Italy, since the beginning of the war the government has moved quickly to find alternative sources “, he stressed.” We will be able to reduce the dependence from Russian gas, “he added.

The next European Council is scheduled for 23 and 24 June in Brussels.
