Ukraine, Draghi: “Political use of gas from Russia: a strategy that must be fought”

Ukraine Draghi Political use of gas from Russia a strategy

(Finance) – “The reasons for the cuts in gas supplies that affect almost all of Europe we are told are technical. One of the reasons is that maintenance requires spare parts that do not arrive due to sanctions. Germany, us and others believe it is lies, that there is political use of gas as well as of grain “. This is what the Prime Minister Mario Draghi speaking to the Italian press in Kiev.

“The consequences – added the premier – are not on consumption but on storage: we have already reached 52%, at a calm pace in the immediate future and in the winter, but at these higher prices, more difficult storage. As for the flow of funds to Russia, it is true that supplies are decreasing by 15, by 30%, but prices are increasing by 15 or 30% and therefore Russia is collecting more. It is a strategy that must be faced and fought, we will also talk about it at the European Council. Italy’s initiative for a gas price ceiling gains more strength and we will discuss it in the European Council “.

Russia on Wednesday reduced the flow of methane to Germany and Italy, by 33% and 15%, respectively.
The official reason is that, due to the sanctions, spare parts for the maintenance of the pipelines are missing. A motivation that does not convince European leaders. The cut in supplies is at the root of the uncertainty and tensions that are causing the price of gas to soar on the square in Amsterdam, the most important in Europe. During the day it reached 148.99 euros, + 24%, and then settled on 135.16 euros, + 10.7%. Eni has asked Gazprom for more gas, to compensate for Wednesday’s cut. But the Russian giant gave little more, just 65% of what the Italian group had asked for.

A “retaliation” – as defined by the Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani – which, however, does not frighten Europe. The position reaffirmed by Draghi in Kiev – where he went together with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron, to support Volodymir Zelensky and the anti-Russian resistance – is, in fact, clear-cut. “Today’s visit – said Draghi – unequivocally confirms our support from the EU and our allies. The most important message of our visit is that Italy wants Ukraine to join the EU”. Draghi underlined that Italy wants Kiev to have “candidate status, and will support this position in the next European Council. Zelensky – he added – understands that it is a path, not a point, which will have to see profound reforms”.
