Ukraine, Draghi evaluates visit to Kiev. EU prepares new sanctions

Ukraine von der Leyen Kiev marches towards a European future

(Finance) – One visit to Kievfor a meeting face to face with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky: as confirmed by Palazzo Chigi, Mario Draghi – at the moment yet positive for Covid and in isolation in Città della Pieve – is considering the hypothesis of a trip to Ukraine, along the lines of others European leaders who visited the country in recent weeks.

At the moment, there would still be nothing planned but we would be assuming to organize the visit closely, before the trip to the Use on schedule around the mid-May.

Meanwhile, the EUaccording to what is learned from several European sources, is getting ready to field the sixth package of sanctions against Moscow next week. The new measures they might contain it stop importing oileven if on modality the works are in progress.

It is possible that the EU vary a period of ‘phasing out’ for the exit from oil, as happened with coal. Expansion of the list of Russian banks excluded from the Swift system. The timing should provide a first tour of the horizon between the Commission and the member countries at the beginning of the week e adoption in the following days.

“Stall” in the negotiations between the Russia and Ukraine for the cease-fire, almost two months after the invasion began. This was stated by the foreign minister of Moscow, Serghei Lavrov. “There proposal which we sent to the Ukrainian negotiators about five days ago, which takes into account the comments received since then, remains unanswered “, he said. Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, quoted by TASS, announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will receive UN Secretary General Antonio Guteress in Moscow next Tuesday.

I asked the immediate opening of humanitarian corridors from Mariupol and the besieged citiesin particular on the occasion of Orthodox Easter “, writes the President of the EU Council Charles Michel in a tweet after the phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The number of children injured in Russia’s war against Ukraine it rose to 386, the Ukrainian Attorney General’s office said on April 22. While the official data on the dead children, 208, have not changed compared to yesterday. The Prosecutor stresses that these figures are not definitive and specifies that the highest number of victims is recorded in the region of Donetsk, Kiev and Kharkiv. 1,141 educational institutions were damaged by bombing, 99 of which were completely destroyed.
