Ukraine demands urgent meeting with Russia

Ukraine demands urgent meeting with Russia

Ukraine accuses Russia of breaking OSCE rules by not sharing information about its massive movement of troops across the Ukrainian border.

Ukraine bases itself on the Vienna document on confidence- and security-building measures, a text adopted in 2011. It promotes transparency measures between the armed forces of the 57 member countries of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Last Friday, Kiev activated the risk reduction mechanism provided for in section III of this document, asking Moscow to provide within 48 hours, detailed explanations on its military activity in the border areas and in Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.

With no response from its neighbour, Kiev is therefore moving on to the next stage. In a message on his Twitter account, published last night, the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs summons “ a meeting with Russia and all OSCE member states within 48 hours to discuss the build-up and movement of Russian troops along the border and in Crimea “. Russia ” must honor its commitments to military transparency in order to reduce tensions and enhance the security of all participating states writes Dmytro Kuleba.

Russia, which denies any plan to invade Ukraine, despite the presence of some 100,000 soldiers at the borders, has not yet announced whether it will be present.

Read also : [REVUE DE PRESSE] Ukraine: can we stop the spiral of war?
