Ukraine, 53 Russian air strikes on the last day. Biden signs law to facilitate arms shipment to Kiev

Ukraine 53 Russian air strikes on the last day Biden

(Finance) – On the last day Russian air force launched 53 attacks on Ukraine: 48 in the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions and five long-range aircraft attacks in the Mykolaiv and Odessa regions. He said it on spokesperson for the Ukrainian Defense Ministry Oleksandr Motuzianyk, quoted by Ukrinform.

“The threat of Russian missile attacks from the Black Sea on military and civilian targets within the territory of Ukraine persists,” he said. Motuzianyk, stressing that Russian troops continue the offensive in the eastern area -. The main objective of the enemy is to gain full control over the Donetsk region, the Luhansk region and the Kherson region and ensure the stability of a land corridor towards temporarily occupied Crimea. ”

“The Ukrainian partisans – as reported on Twitter Anton Gerashkenko, current Deputy Interior Minister of Ukraineor – blew up a railway bridge connecting mainland Ukraine with occupied Crimea. Now it will be much more difficult to supply the war from the Crimea. Glory to our Heroes! “.

In the evening the President of the United States, Joe Biden, he signed the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act ‘, a law that makes it possible to facilitate the delivery of weapons and war materials to Kiev by cutting a series of bureaucratic steps.

Tomorrow during the‘meeting between Biden and the Italian premier Mario Draghi the two leaders – according to White House spokesperson Jen Psaki – “will talk about how to continue to impose sanctions on Putin and Russia and how to continue to help Ukrainians and bilateral cooperation in various fields”.
