UK marks key date for war

UK marks key date for war

The UK Defense Minister, ben wallacehas stated his prediction about the Russian president, Vladimir Putinensuring that will intensify the conflict in Ukraine next Monday, May 9. This is the Victory Day in Russiawhere the victory of the USSR against Nazi Germany in 1945, in the last stages of the Second World War, is celebrated.

This call by the Russian president could take place at the Victory Day parade in Russia, a moment to commemorate the surrender of the German Third Reich to the Soviets, referring to the fact that Putin initiated a “special operation” at the end of February in Ukraine with the aim of “denazifying the country”.

Declaration of war on the Nazis today

Wallace believes that the Russian politician will declare war on the Nazis today, to try to get the support of public opinion for another attempt in the Ukraine. And it is that, as a result of the strong Ukrainian resistance during the first phase of the conflict, Russia had to withdraw its troops to the east to increase attacks in this territory.

“I would not be surprised if you declare this alert that Russia is now at war with the Nazis of the world and needs a massive mobilization of the Russian population. He’s been tilting the playing field by laying the groundwork to be able to say ‘look, this is now a war against the Nazis, and what I need is more people. I need more Russian cannon fodder,” Wallace said in an interview with British broadcaster LBC.

However, his speculation is not the only one in this area, since the secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, Oleksei Danilov, warned of the possibility of a new Russian offensive for May 9, because it is a day “sacred” for Moscow. “Putin has set out to end this war with a victory parade,” Danilov warned.

Russia continues tactical coordination problems in Ukraine

The UK intelligence report has claimed that Russia still has tactical coordination problems in Ukraine and its air support is carried out unconsciously. Thus, Russia is expected to rectify the problems that have previously slowed its invasion by geographically concentrating combat power, simplifying command and control, and shortening supply lines.

It is for this reason that Russia has been forced to combine units that did not make advances in the northeastern area of ​​Ukraine, adds the information, pointing out that many of these units are likely to be morally weakened. In short, Russia has not known how to take advantage of its combat mass, despite being better located.
