UK-focused open letter from WhatsApp and Signal

WhatsApp We will leave the UK if there are security

Popular service that remains the largest in the field WhatsApp, once again with a UK-based issue on the agenda.

head of WhatsApp Will Cathcart last month, if the UK-based commissioning is targeted Online Safety Law weakens the end-to-end encryption they use on their applications, by saying that they can leave the country completely it made a lot of noise. Government WhatsApp with UK Online Safety Act, “end-to-end encryption” which is not possible to implement without removing the infrastructure can enforce content moderation policies. If WhatsApp refuses to do so, it could face fines of up to 4 percent of its parent company Meta’s annual turnover. End-to-end encryption communication, as its name suggests, encrypts it from start to finish. the highest communication security is achieved. The firm rightly does not want to cancel it because everyone is constantly asking for higher security. Meanwhile “UK Online Security Act” it doesn’t just bother WhatsApp. Meredith Whittaker, head of encrypted messaging app Signal, said in a statement that the bill He said that if their messages reach the scanning level, they will stop their services in the country. Today, an open letter was published against the subject.


Element CEO Matthew Hodgson, Wire CTO Alan Duric, OPTF/Session director Alex Linton, Signal head Meredith Whittaker, Threema CEO Martin Blatter, Viber CEO Ofir Eyal and WhatsApp head Will Cathcart this open signed to the letter “We are writing today about a disturbing development based in the UK that everyone should know about.” It started with the following: “England The government is currently considering a new law that will force tech companies to remove end-to-end encryption from private messaging services. We believe that no company, government or person should have the authority to read your personal messages and that is why we will continue to advocate end-to-end encryption technology. Along with other technology companies in our industry, this law has been implemented in the UK and around the world. adversely affect people’s safety. We are proud to stand up to its misguided parts.Of course, time will tell whether the letter, which is stated to be prepared for everyone who cares about security and privacy on the Internet, will have an impact in the UK.
