UK financial justice seeks to pursue former Glencore employees

Cameroon in full Itie validation in the wake of the

In the Glencore affair, a large-scale corruption scandal, a new stage is looming on the United Kingdom side. The raw materials giant has already pleaded guilty and admitted to massive corruption practices of senior African officials for years to obtain or keep contracts and strategic advantages. For this, the multinational was sentenced in 2022 by the American and British courts to record fines. In London, the equivalent of the French financial prosecutor’s office now wants to prosecute several former Glencore employees. In Cameroon, this ” perspective must panic more than one “, says former President Akere Muna.

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After the company, the individuals. The Serious Fraud Office of the United Kingdom (equivalent to the French financial prosecutor’s office) hopes to announce soon a series of charges against former employees of Glencore, the mining and trading giant. The British judicial authority specializing in the fight against fraud, corruption and high-level bribery sent a letter in June 2024 to the Attorney General in London. To ask for her agreement to be able to file a complaint against the individuals suspected of having participated in the corrupt practices recognized by the Glencore company.

It is very likely that names will come out. »

A prospect that must panic more than one person. Cameroon » according to former President Akere Muna, “ because if we start the trial against the individuals in London, we will inevitably ask “But who did you ask?” It is very likely that names will come out. »

Names and sanctions in Cameroonthis is what we are campaigning for Akere MunaHe filed three complaints with the courts of the headquarters of Glencore Cameroon, the National Refining Company (Sonara) and the National Hydrocarbons Company (SNH) without any follow-up.

Thirteen million dollars

In Cameroon, according to the UK’s Serious Fraud Office, between 2012 and 2015, more than thirteen million dollars in cash transported periodically on private jets was used to bribe officials of the country’s oil and gas companies. The Glencore affair also concerns Africaamong others, the Democratic Republic of CongoTHE Nigeria and South Sudan.

Read alsoEnvironment: Glencore under pressure from its shareholders to reduce its use of coal
