TV4’s review revealed that Rouzbeh Parsi, head of the Middle East program at the Foreign Policy Institute, can be linked to impact networks initiated by Iran’s Foreign Ministry in order to increase the country’s influence in the West.
It shows leaked documents that TV4 has taken part in.
Now UI has announced that it will start a review of Parsi.
“UI takes the charges very seriously and therefore investigated the information as early as 2023. Now we have started a new survey, with the aim of being able to contribute to greater clarity,” writes Pia Bernhardson, head of people at UI in a written comment on TV4 News.
The government demanded that UI act
Earlier on Thursday, the government went out and demanded that UI go to the bottom of the charges.
“The claims that have been made are very serious and, as a result, we have contacted the Foreign Policy Institute to get more information,” said Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M).
If you get information that confirms that this is true, how will you act?
– I can’t anticipate that today. Now we have started this dialogue and then we have to take it from there. What I can say in general is that Iran conducts intelligence activities against Sweden and that we take it very seriously.
UI has repeatedly stated that they have full confidence in Parsi, who himself believes that he joined the network to understand how Iran reason when making political decisions.
TV4 News is looking for Rouzbeh Parsi for a comment.