Ugly attack on Turkish monument in Yemen! They tried to destroy 400 years of memory

Ugly attack on Turkish monument in Yemen They tried to

The attack on the Turkish Martyrs’ Monument in Yemen received a reaction from the people of Yemen. The moments showing that the monument was tried to be destroyed with a construction machine were shared on social media. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted by sharing a statement about the incident.

According to the reports based on eyewitnesses by the Yemeni local press, the Iranian-backed Houthis tried to demolish the Turkish Martyrdom Monument in the historical district of the capital, Sana’a.

In the footage shared by Yemeni social media activists, it was seen that a construction machine was trying to destroy the Turkish Martyrs’ Monument accompanied by some armed people.

In the video recordings showing the provocative attack, it was noticed that the Turkish Martyrdom’s Monument was damaged.

On the other hand, many Yemeni activists and writers reacted to the action of the Houthi militias, which have been controlling the capital Sana and some other regions for years, in their social media posts.

In the reactions, it was noted that with this action, the Houthis tried to break their ties with friendly and brotherly countries as well as their hostility to Yemen’s history and culture.


A statement about the attack was shared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The statement that reacted strongly to the attack included the following statements:

“We strongly condemn the treacherous attack on the Turkish Martyrdom Monument by Houthi elements on the morning of March 12, which caused destruction in our martyrdom.

It is unacceptable to disrespect the Turkish presence in Yemen, which is the sign of our common history and deep-rooted relations with Yemen.

We expect the damage to our martyrdom to be repaired and the perpetrators to be punished as soon as possible.

We have no doubt that this treacherous attack will be condemned by the friendly and brotherly people of Yemen.”


The Turkish Martyrdom Monument in Yemen was opened in 2011 by the President of the time, Abdullah Gul, who came to Yemen for an official visit.

The martyrdom monument, which was built in the region where the Turkish presence in the country and the former Ottoman barracks is located, keeps the memory of “Mehmetçik” who lost his life in Yemen for 400 years. (AA)
