Ugandan General Muhoozi Kainerugaba back in Kigali for three days

the son Museveni a departure from the army which challenges

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s eldest son, whom some already see as his father’s likely successor, arrived in Rwanda on Monday. As during his previous visit in January, he met Paul Kagame to discuss the complicated relations between their two countries, once close allies.

With our correspondent in Kigali, Laure Broulard

Muhoozi Kainerugaba seems to have become the real mediator of the crisis between Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni. In the wake of his visit in january, Kigali had announced the reopening of its border with Uganda, after three years of blockage. An outstretched hand from Rwanda, which continued to accuse its neighbor of supporting groups hostile to its government and of illegally detaining some of its nationals.

Difficult to know what was on the menu of the head to head, Monday, between the Ugandan general and Paul Kagame. No statement was made from either side. But the thaw seems to be confirmed, with this second visit longer and more symbolic than the previous one.

This Tuesday, Muhoozi Kainerugaba paid tribute to the victims of the Tutsi genocide at the Gisozi Memorial before being invited to the farm of Paul Kagame, who offered him cows. The eldest son of Yoweri Museveni is in any case in Rwanda as commander of the Ugandan army. Last week, however, he announced on Twitter to retire. Information quickly contradicted by the UPDF.
