UFO confession from the US military: we received more than 400 reports, 11 times passed close

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Bray joined the US House of Representatives Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Subcommittee with Ronald Moultrie, the US Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. In his speech here, Bray made evaluations about unidentified air objects that have been observed in different places and times by the US military for a long time.

“Since the National Intelligence Directorate’s preliminary report was made public, reports of unidentified weather events have increased to 400. The Directorate’s report last year had a total of 144 reports from 2004 to 2021,” said Scott Bray. said


Showing two images taken in different regions, several years apart, Bray stated that the lights recorded with night vision glasses and SLR cameras are triangular, which they think is caused by the refraction of light as it passes through the lenses of the camera and glasses.

Bray said there were times when large numbers of the same objects were seen, and they were also observed by “many US navy vehicles.”

Pointing out that some of these may be sensor anomalies or something non-physical, Bray said, “However, most of them are physical objects.” he said.


Expressing that some of these objects have radar traces and sensor residues, albeit very faint, Bray said, “Any of our opponents do not have the capacity to fly an object with an undetected actuator.” used the phrase.

Noting that these events were also observed by other US allies and China, Bray said that China established a unit similar to the one in the US and examined these objects.

The US Navy Intelligence official stated that they also shared data with some countries. Stating that the US vehicles did not try to communicate with the unidentified objects and did not receive any communication signals, Bray said, “There was no collision (with unidentified objects), but there were at least 11 cases of close proximity.” said. (AA)
