UFO confession came from the USA, NASA took action: A giant step!

UFO confession came from the USA NASA took action A

The existence of UFOs is the subject of great debate. However, an important meeting about UFOs was held in the past weeks. What was said at this meeting, where all eyes were locked, brought up important details about the existence of UFOs.


Last week, the United States Congress held the first public hearing on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in nearly 50 years. Bray’s confession, which attended the public meeting of the US House of Representatives’ Countering Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Subcommittee with the US Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Ronald Moultrie, marked the session.


“Since the National Intelligence Directorate’s preliminary report was made public, reports of unidentified weather events have increased to 400. The Directorate’s report last year had a total of 144 reports from 2004 to 2021,” said Scott Bray. said. Bray said there were times when large numbers of the same objects were seen, and they were also observed by “many US navy vehicles.” Stating that some incidents were also observed by the US allies and China, Bray stated that the US vehicles did not try to communicate with the unidentified objects and did not receive any communication signals, “There was no collision (with unidentified objects), but there were at least 11 cases of close proximity.” used the expressions.

Andre Carson, a member of the US House of Representatives, who chaired the session, said, “Unidentified Weather Events are a potential national security threat. And they have to be handled as such.”


An interesting development took place after the first public session on ‘Unidentified Weather Events’ (UAP). The British Daily Mail newspaper revealed that NASA may finally be involved in the UFO search.

According to the newspaper’s report, a NASA spokesperson confirmed that it is considering ways to provide expertise in space-based earth observations. This was considered a giant step forward for the administration, which has previously denied all allegations of involvement with the unidentified flying objects.


Sources said the project could include collecting evidence from any astronauts encountering unidentified objects in space, examining images and data from previous missions to help investigate any anomalous findings.

Sources also revealed that the Pentagon UFO team requested images from cameras on several space missions from NASA as part of their investigation.

The source added that NASA’s work will complement the Department of Defense’s UAP task force tasked by Congress with investigating threats posed by strange objects in US airspace and beyond.

According to the source, NASA is doing the right thing by addressing this issue rather than ignoring it.
