A study by UFC-Que Choisir reveals the ” territorial divide ” which hits the seniors having to enter nursing homes. The supply of places in this type of specialized establishment in France and its average price mask considerable disparities between departments.
It is easier to find a place in Accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad) when you live in Mende in Lozère, rather than in Paris. The study shows that the territorial divide is also financial: if the monthly rent for a place in an Ehpad reaches 2,200 euros on average in France, the prices vary from simple to double. The capital being the most expensive.
“ Lack of investment »
Odette Merey participated in the UFC-Que Choisir study. She denounces the lack of investment in public nursing homes. ” As there are not a sufficient number of establishments to accommodate residents, there have indeed been private companies that have established themselves and charge prices that are not comparable with the rates charged by public establishments. »
Private nursing homes are charged on average 50% more than public structures. And the elderly are no better treated there than in the public. ” Public establishments have more nurses than the private sector. So we wonder where the difference in cost is justified. »
Create new places in the public
So that every senior who wants to can live in nursing homes at a reasonable price, the association considers it important that the creation of new places in nursing homes is done mainly in public structures.
►Also read : In France, an “independent” association to feed the debate on nursing homes