“We are recommended not to display on social networks that we work at Ubisoft to avoid harassment”, underlines an employee of the group. “This is an initiative from Canada. There is a team that monitors the networks and acts quickly in the event of a targeted attack,” explains an elected official. It is therefore a psychological and legal support promised to employees who are targeted. Ubisoft even set up a team to closely monitor what is happening on social networks in order to react quickly and take legal sanctions in the event of abuse and proven harassment situation. If Ubisoft will not make more friends with this decision, it is essential to preserve the psychological health of its employees and its work partners. The French publisher is currently in a fateful turning point for its future, and some already evoke the creation of a new structure (with the help of the Chinese giant Tencent) to save the biggest historical licenses, while other IPs would be sold with other publishers. According to some corridor noises, Microsoft and Electronic Art are already interested …