Ubisoft brings sound with Ghostwriter artificial intelligence system

Ubisoft brings sound with Ghostwriter artificial intelligence system

In recent months, technology is almost at the center of the agenda. artificial intelligence systems are included. In this respect ubisoft, Audio with Ghostwriter brings.

Microsoft financially supported by OpenAI signed chat bot ChatGPTbrought a huge explosion of artificial intelligence in the world of technology. In this regard, companies had to offer the artificial intelligence systems they developed behind closed doors to the market (To the largest sample details Here Google Bard we featured), many companies have built many services on GPT, the language model of ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence systems were not born in 2022, of course. He has been working on these systems for a very long time, there are many people who have invested heavily in this issue. game company. One of them, the game giant Ubisoftan artificial intelligence system that focuses on the creative content processes of games today ghostwriter with attention. You know, the dialogues we hear directly or indirectly are at the center of the games, their creation takes a lot of time, especially in large open-world games.


Ubisoft LaForge developed by the company ghostwriter, This is exactly where it comes into play and makes life easier for people who create dialogues for games. AI tool that analyzes and reproduces baseline data given by real authors, generating alternatives, learns / trains in line with the feedback of the authors and creates more accurate and creative sentences each time. making a statement on this Ubisoftfor the system “The idea behind Ghostwriter is to give playwrights time to focus on the bigger work. Ghostwriter was co-created with a staff of writers to help them complete repetitive tasks more quickly and effectively, giving them more time and freedom to work on the games’ narrative, characters and cutscenes.” says.

The system that has been actively used in the company for a whilefor example, in a city and not directly interacted with in the game. It can seriously diversify the random conversations of many characters.. Thanks to this system, virtual people living in open world games will talk about more and different topics, so that the same sentences will not be heard over and over in new generation games.
