Typhus: definition, symptoms, contagion, vaccine

Typhus definition symptoms contagion vaccine

Typhus is a disease that is transmitted by lice or tics. Fever and rash are among the first warning symptoms.

THE typhus diseases (exanthematic,…) are dangerous for human beings because this infection of bacterial origin is very contagious. From symptomswe find fever and rash. THE vaccine against typhus has eradicated the disease. What is typhus disease? Is typhus contagious? How to does he transmit ? What are the treatments to cure it?

Definition: what is typhus disease?

Typhus is the name given to a group of similar diseases. Among them is the louse typhus, exanthematous typhus or European typhusdue to the Rickettsia prowazeki bacteria, transmitted by lice. Murine typhus or tropical typhus, which occurs mainly in tropical countries, is transmitted by fleas and is caused by the bacterium Rickettsia mooseri. The symptoms of the attacks are close to one typhus to another.

Is typhus contagious?

Rickettsia bacteria responsible for typhus © 123rf

“Typhus is a infectious disease, contagious and serious, caused by bacteria called rickettsiae“, explains Romain Troalen, general practitioner in the Paris region. These bacteria are carried by rodents, such as mice and rats, “and are transmitted to humans through dust mitesbody lice or fleas, by bite or by their excrement”. This transmission occurs mainly in unhealthy environments where hygiene is not correct : “In prisons, armies, refugee and homeless camps, especially since this disease is highly contagious.” She was very destructive at the time, because there were no antibiotics, but she is recovering well today. Nevertheless, she can be deadlyespecially in the elderly: “Typhus is more and more deadly with age”says the doctor.

What are the symptoms of typhus?

The symptoms of exanthematous typhus appear after a incubation period of 7 to 14 days. The first symptoms then appear suddenly:

  • A strong fever which lasts fifteen days and can rise to 40°C for several days.
  • Of the chills, nausea, headaches and body aches reminiscent of the flu.
  • A rash appears at the end of the fourth or sixth day, all over the body and particularly the trunk (never on the soles of the hands and feet, nor on the face). It’s a rash smudged (small red spots in the shape of dots without relief).
  • Later, these pimples may become maculo-puffy (raised) and, in more severe cases, start bleeding.

THE symptoms usually last 2 weeks. With regard to murine typhus, incubation is generally shorter: it lasts less than a week, and the aforementioned symptoms are mostly present, but of much less intensity. It should be noted that in exanthematic typhus, new outbreaks of symptoms are possible up to several years later: we then speak of resurgent typhus. “Called Brill-Zinsser disease, the symptoms of this resurgent typhus are much milder, and only last from a week to ten days”, explains the doctor. It would be due to dormant bacteria of the virus, reactivated cases of weakening of the immune defenses of the host.

To make the diagnosis of typhus, a biopsy of skin lesions identifies disease-causing bacteria. Blood tests are also possible to highlight the presence in the blood of molecules specific to rickettsial bacteria.

What treatment for typhus?

The essential treatment for typhus is based antibiotics (doxycyline), belonging to the group of cyclins. In the most serious cases, they will be associated with corticosteroids.

What vaccine for typhus?

A vaccine was found in the 20th century, which almost eradicated this disease.

The prevention of typhus goes through the fight against lice and fleas respecting the rules of hygiene and cleanliness as much as possible.

Thanks to Dr Romain Troalen, general practitioner in the Paris region.
