Type 2 diabetes: really effective Ayurvedic medicine?

Type 2 diabetes really effective Ayurvedic medicine

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    According to the results of a new study, conducted by experts from the University of Nottingham in England, several traditional drugs from Ayurvedic medicine would be effective in balancing the blood sugar levels of type 2 diabetic patients.

    Ayurveda is a traditional medicine widespread in South Asia, as in India. It combines different therapeutic approaches such as detoxifying and purifying therapies or so-called Ayurvedic medicines, which contain ingredients of animal, plant or mineral origin, which may or may not be combined.

    Multiple health effects

    The research was led by Dr Kaushik Chattopadhyay, associate professor of evidence-based healthcare at the School of Medicine and the Nottingham Center for Evidence Based Healthcare, England.

    In this meta-analysis, published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Pharmacologythe researchers worked on these drugs in order to seek their benefits in the control of glycemia on the one hand, but also on other levels, such as body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol level or other parameters related to diabetes.

    As part of this work, the team therefore searched various sources, including 18 electronic databases. A total of 219 articles were included, with 199 randomized controlled trials, which altogether included 21,191 participants and 98 Ayurvedic medicines.

    According to Dr. Chattopadhyay, “this is the first time that an in-depth review has taken place on all of these drugs on such a large scale. Current evidence suggests benefits of a range of Ayurvedic medicines to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes patients“.

    Cautious, the doctor adds that “given the limitations of the available evidence and to enhance its reliability, high quality randomized controlled trials should be conducted and reported..

    Consult a GP online

    Similar results for other plants

    Ayurvedic medicine is regularly used by many people around the world, especially in fairly poor and elderly rural populations in India but also in China, Iran or Mexico.

    For Dr. Laure Martinat, anesthetist-resuscitator and member of the Doctissimo committee, plants known and easily accessible in France have been studied and have proven their worth against diabetes. “There is, for example, Ceylon cinnamon, fenugreek or even ginger. These are plants that regulate fasting blood sugar but not only: they act on cholesterol or other blood parameters“says the specialist. “For this, it is necessary to take it via food supplements, in a concentrated form or in the diet on a daily basis.“.

    In case of diabetes, it is necessary to consult your doctor. Although some complementary medicines can help, they should in no way replace allopathic care without medical advice.
