Two young Scanians suspected of the explosion in Norrköping

A third person – who according to Sydsvenskan should have a leading position in the case – is arrested on suspicion of the same crime.

– All of them were interrogated yesterday. Today I have given directives to the police investigators for further questioning of the three people who are in custody. More information will come in a press release later today, says Torsten Angervåg, chief prosecutor in Norrköping, to SVT Nyheter Öst.

The chief prosecutor does not think he will be able to make a decision on detention today, but needs the time until 12 o’clock tomorrow.

What happens now?

– It partly depends on what the arrested say in the interrogations with the police investigators, but also what observations or findings that forensic and bomb technicians make in the apartment in which we believe it all started, says Angervåg.

The suspects from Skåne have no documented criminal record of a more serious nature.
